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Green Technology

 The growing focus on environmental issues has impacted technology companies, both large and small, as they attempt to create sustainable differentiation around “green” behaviors and brand positioning.

Technology companies are increasingly associated with being green, but many consumers still do not consider the technology industry to be environmentally friendly.

        Four out of ten consumers do not think any technology company has green or environmentally friendly business practices.

        Both AMD and Intel are not associated with being green or following environmentally friendly business practices. This may be due to lower consumer familiarity with these brands as opposed to brands such as Apple and Microsoft.

        Low green perceptions show that consumers are not readily aware of energy saving initiatives led by chip makers and may instead associate these efforts with the OEM.

        Among the top rated companies, Microsoft witnessed a significant jump in their association with being green. However, Apple was more successful with their efforts to position themselves as having environmentally friendly business practices and is perceived as the greLG green practice awareness is the fastest growing among technology companies.en leader of technology companies.

        LG green practice awareness is the fastest growing among technology companies.

        Most consumers that associate a company with being environmentally friendly are also aware of the specific details regarding the company’s green initiatives and practices.

Brands Associated with “Green” or Environmentally Friendly Business Practices

 The growing focus on environmental issues has impacted technology companies, both large and small, as they attempt to create sustainable differentiation around “green” behaviors and Consumers are more aware of environmentally friendly practices and policies. However,green is still not a top tier influencer for consumers when making a technology purchase.

        Consumers appear to be more likely to purchase green if there is a financial incentive, rather than other reasons.

        Being Energy Star efficient, ensuring a device does not drain energy and having a national recycling program are the most influential environmentally friendly policies.

        Policies that do not directly benefit or impact the consumer financially tend to be the least influential on their purchase decision, but still have an increasingly significant impact. These include policies like contributing to charities and manufacturing a device from recycled materials.

        A third of consumers claim they would be willing to pay more money for an electronic or technology product that claims to be environmentally friendly. The type of product and purchase price most likely play a role in determining if a consumer would be willing to pay a premium. 

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